Starkes Stück an beeindruckendem Ort

Barbara Behrendt, rbb inforadio Kultur, 24.05.2024

“andcompany&Co. haben eine Mischung aus dokumentarischem Lehrstück und Science-Fiction-Komödie entworfen, ein Chorstück, angeleitet von der Volksbühnen-Chorexpertin Christine Groß (…) Wie leben ohne Wasser, ohne Sauerstoff? Das können uns die Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen natürlich auch nicht beibringen. Dafür führen sie uns aber das Denksystem vor, dass uns marsähnliche Zustände beschert. Entweder Größenwahn oder Minderwert statt Verantwortung (…) Die Mischung aus Kunst und Naturereignis führt dann eben doch dazu, dass die Nachricht vom Aussterben des Menschen in die Eingeweide sickert.”

rbb inforadio Kultur

Doris Meierhenrich, Berliner Zeitung, 25.05.2024

“If you don’t know it yet, it’s worth discovering: the wonderfully enchanted and functional site of the rainwater retention basin next to Tempelhof Field (…) is now also a theater stage for the most experimental of Berlin’s performance groups: andcompany&Co.
Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord and Sascha Sulimma have always invited artistic partners for their plays, with whom they create the most fantastic social future scenarios. And the tone is always set by a playfulness and intellectual alertness that knows no good or bad play, but right or wrong questions.
(…) Between egg-shaped space capsules, air cushions and ancient gramophones, the nine thought-spacemen discuss, do gymnastics and sing about other worlds, the conditions of life in general and how growing exploitation of nature should not destroy them (…)”

Berliner Zeitung

Patrick Wildermann, Tagesspiegel, 24.05.2024

“Bogdanov, Musk and Bowie – the collective andcompany&Co, known for its smart links, is now taking us on a performance trip that revolves around questions of planetary habitability from its very own perspective. “MarsOnEarth: Die Marsnahme” is the name of the piece, the premise of which is something like this: why wander into the distance when we can turn our own living space into a Martian landscape? We are well on the way to doing so. (…) andcompany&Co offer a relaxed evening that combines degrowth concepts, retro-futuristic synthesizer sounds, reflections on bacteria and other smart life forms, Mars walk choreographies and more into a good-humoured happening that ends with a Bogdanov insight worth considering: “A planet can do anything, even wipe out intelligent life.”

