FatzerBraz by Bertolt Brecht&Co.
theatre performance
Desertion, revolutionary defeatism and guerrilla warfare are in the focus of the fragment “Fatzer” by Bertolt Brecht. A posse of four soldiers decide during the First World War “not to make war anymore” and hide in the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr to wait for an insurrection. But before a revolution against the war takes place, the group destroys itself. The situation underground resembles the fate of the urban guerrilla, whose “minimanual” was written by Carlos Marighella, a Brazilian member of congress who went into armed resistance against the military dictatorship. In the context of the student’s movement this “minimanual” also had consequences in West-Germany (RAF, movement 2nd of June).
These texts are the point of departure for “FatzerBraz”, the most recent production by andcompany&Co, the international artist’s collective centered around Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord and Sascha Sulimma will perform this play in Sao Paulo together with Brazilian artists. This collaboration offers the opportunity for a mutual alienation-effect: Sao Paulo and the region of Ruhr, the First World War and the urban guerrilla, revolutionary movement and reform government. On the basis of a strongly developed Brazilian Brecht-tradition new ways are searched for to “another”, tropicalized Brecht. The cultural and ideological “remix”, characteristic for the works of andcompany&Co., allows new forms of appropriation and incorporation, which have a long tradition in Brazil. At the end, Fatzer will be eaten…