new horizons: eternity für alle!

andcompany&Co. feat. Arbeiter*innentheater

“Comrades – let’s optimize it!”

Computers should have controlled the production in real time. Nothing came of it. The market took over. Everyone only optimizes themselves. But information wants to be free. It blows up every system: first socialism, then capitalism. Even in the GDR there was a Silicon Valley, in Schwedt, the “city of the future”. There the revolution broke out fifty years ago – the STR (scientific-technical revolution). In a petroleum processing plant, computers were networked for the first time. And automation was tested. The piece “Horizons” about the “introduction of electronic data processing into human relations” (Heiner Müller) was written with the workers of the plant. Only the “networked individual” of the early 21st century knows what this means: The wall had to come down so that we could get Facebook. But the network has long since been dreaming the wildest dreams of the old revolutionaries of a new humanity that will live forever. Together with members of the former Workers Theater, andcompany&Co. have retreated into a cyber forest to rehearse for immortality:

“…I optimize you, you optimize me
And if it doesn’t work out we play theater
And one plays the other and it works
And tomorrow communism will break out…”


concept & direction: andcompany&Co. (Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma &Co.)
Alexander Karschnia, Luise Meier, Nicola Nord &Co.
Alexander Karschnia &Co.
Sascha Sulimma mit Jan Brauer, Matthias Engler &Co.
choreographical advice:
Jasmin İhraç
with & by:
Hartmut Bartsch, Hildegard Bartsch, Jochen Bismark, Henry Bitter, Katharina Günther, Luise Meier, Brigitte Paulick, Peter Schauer, Edgar Walter, Regina Walter, Senior*innenchor PCK Schwedt
stage design:
Lena Newtonwith Caroline Wächter
costume design:
Franziska Sauer, Caroline Wächter
light design:
Rainer Casper
Kathrin Krottenthaler and Fruzsina Jesse
assistance dramaturgy:
Verena Katz
scientific consulting:
Eva Renvert
assistance direction:
Kasia Noga
assistance stage and costume design: Hanne Jannasch
technical direction:
Marc Zeuske
company management:
Caroline Farke
administration & communication:
Rahel Häseler


duration: n.a.

A production by andcompany&Co. in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, HELLERAU Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, FFT Düsseldorf and Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt.
The production is funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.